Father and daughter, kiss on the lips.

Is this something to brush under the carpet?

Eliane L. White
4 min readOct 22, 2020
Lou, Eli. “I will kiss your hands instead.” 2020. JPEG file.

Numerous individuals were up in arms because a celebrity couple posted another picture of the father kissing his daughter on the lips.

Yes, there was an actual debate about it. Several individuals felt the need to share their positive and not so positive opinion on what many people thought to be simply an affectionate deed.

It’s sweet to see a father being protective and supportive of his daughter, even more when he is unafraid to be seen doing what supposedly is a female (only) favourite activity, you know? shopping. Pink bags, pink ice-cream, flowers, bows and all.

Some were annoyed that as celebrities they were promoting a weird act, of a parent kissing child on the lips.

Many argued that we live in a world that over-sexualise everything, and kisses mean nothing.

Is it weird? Or something that should simply be brushed under the carpet. You know, you look shake your head, and move on with your life without commenting.

A kiss is indeed a sign of affection, but I am not sure if it applies to all parts of your body.

When does affection become something else?

Where I am from a kiss on the forehead is a…



Eliane L. White

Not a seasoned writer, just a human doing this thing called life. *** My motto: Filling up my cup, so I can overflow into yours